Pete Sampras shows confidence on Rafael Nadal
Pete Sampras reckons that if Rafael Nadal manages to stretch his career for another 5 years, he may end up with more slam trophies than his bitter rival Roger Federer.

As per Sampras, till the time Nadal is active in the game, he will always have a great chance at Roland Garros because that’s a surface he knows better than anyone else.
Yes at All England Club, he is not quite the same player and may not be very difficult to beat, but in the Australian and the US open, he is there and thereabouts with the best.
So if he keeps himself going till the age of 36 like Federer has, there will be many occasions in future where he will find himself in the position of winning a slam, but, up to what length of time does he remain active? That’s a really big question.
Another big question is how much more Federer is going to play, how good his fitness is and how much of passion he has got left in him. If he remains there, he will also be a contender in the slams and may add to his tally of slams and widen the gap between him and Nadal.
For the Tennis fans though, what’s just absolutely wonderful is the fact that the rivalry between the two has spiced up again and the fans would be hoping that this rivalry stays intense for the next few seasons and they get to enjoy it to the fullest.
Sampras who himself was once at the top of the pile with the slam titles is not involved with the game too much at the moment. He does a bit of part-time mentoring or coaching back in USA every now and again, but is not too keen to do it on a full time basis away from home.